
Storage Solutions & Distribution center

Warehousing -Distribution and - Forwarding


EXL offers the service of warehousing to the import/export community. We have been servicing the automotive industry, within other markets, as a point of drop off or pick up products within the required window times demanded by the ultimate client, for more than 18 years . We have the required infrastructure; human ware, software and handling equipment to serve the needs of: storing, keep inventories, custody of goods, and release to final destination down to Mexico or back to the US.

Distribution Center

EXL has been servicing the needs of particular clients demanding a distribution center for their products. We have served OEM’s and tier 1 and 2 suppliers with efficiency and providing hard data to enhance the decision making process of our clients. On line reporting, live cameras, digital reports and excellent service with proper attitude and attention to details have kept us as an outstanding choice for our clients on this demanding market.

Freight Forwarding Services

EXL based on what is stipulated in the Mexican Customs Law established their inspection and forwarding service since 2002. We operate in our own premises or as inhouse in our different client warehouses with dedicated teams all connected to our mainframe located in our corporate offices. We have mastered the equation of velocity and compliance and offer a service second to none for the different markets we humbly serve. We have certified processes and solid operational platforms to support the mandatory and regulatory customs and fiscal requirements and have achieved an almost perfect score in making sure the border crossing activity be seamless to our clients and at the same time making sure our job 1 “compliance” is met without doubts.

Customs Solutions

US Customs Broker

EXL Automated Solutions, Inc.

EXL Automated Solutions, inc. (“EXLAS”) has a history of service based on excellence, compliance, innovation that is second to none, and solution-oriented processes that lead to cost savings, visibility, recordkeeping, and customs compliance.

Proven Innovation:

EXL Automated Solutions and its affiliated business units are putting its ideas into practice as follows:

– Development of the first secure website tracking tool for its customer-importers by providing  “dashboard” visibility and real time tracking of shipments from all exporter-suppliers, monitoring stakeholder activities and registering key performance indicators (KPIs) of its service providers, via its wholly-owned and registered software known as ViatPro;

-Development of GPS seal tracking and tracing technology that provides on-line, real-time tracking and tracing of shipments throughout Mexico, US, and Canada, through its proprietary and registered software application as ViatPro-Track;

-First in the industry to develop a functioning process of fulfilling Mexican customs clearance and US Customs clearance using single source data;

-Alignment of business practices with “single-window processing” of both US and Mexico initiatives for sharing of data elements with Partner Government Agencies (PGAs);

Our customers have experienced the benefits of electing EXLAS as their US Customs Broker, for its true EDI solution.

Some of the key benefits are as follows:

-Compliance – Removing human keypunch errors: not just working smarter vs. harder, but changing business model from data entry to audit therefore improving overall customs compliance in areas such as: tariff classification, SPI (NAFTA/USMCA) preferential treatment, ,  quantity, weights, and value accuracy;

-Database – Customer database is loaded onto both ViatPro and EXLAS’ ABI ACE software application via FTP transfer for immediately updates, thereby maximizing duty abatement and savings;

-Automated Referral Processing – EXLAS is leading the way in which referrals, which fall in line to importer broker business rules, are processed due to the speed of processing allowing timely solicitations;

-Improved Visibility – ViatPro dashboard tracking affords the importer-customer real time visibility of shipment tracking, in which KPIs are recorded and measured;

-Recordkeeping – EXLAS provides recordkeeping redundancy by online access and ViatPro audit functionality;

-Audit – Entry Summary availability from the date a shipment crosses allows for changes to be made immediately and in advance of the date of Entry Summary payment to CBP;

-Experience – Over thirty-five years of Southern Border expertise –  border personnel having precise understanding of Customs processes on both sides of the US/Mexico border

US Customs Brokerage Services

  • Corporate License and National Permit allows for US Customs clearance nationwide
  • General US Customs Clearance
  • Nationwide Remote Location Filing
  • Multi-port Centralized Entry Filing
  • Partner Government Agency (PGA) Clearance
  • Truck, Rail, Air, Ocean, multi-modal Clearance
  • In-Bond Processing
  • Value, 9802, NAFTA/USMCA Reconciliation flagging
  • Reconciliation Entry filing
  • TIB, FTZ, Warehouse Entry filing

Other Services:

  • Steel License Processing
  • Bill of Lading Preparation
  • Continuous and Single Entry Bond Processing
  • Post Summary Correction Filing in ACE
  • Protest Filing on ACE Portal

Trade Consultation and Management

  • Trade Program Consultation
  • NAFTA/USMCA Origination Consultation Analysis and Advice
  • US Import Classification Advice
  • Binding Ruling Filing Services
  • Valuation Services
  • C-TPAT Assistance and Assessment
  • Duty Drawback Services
  • Training & Education Seminars

Customer Information Services

  • Web-based Tracking, Tracking and Visibility
  • Data Analytics Reporting
  • Customer-specific interfaces and integration

Customs Solutions

Mexico Customs Broker

EXL Consultores SC

Mexican Customs Broker